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Qualifiers for May 2nd Tournament – Posh Poker

Qualifiers for May 2nd Tournament

Congratulations to all the finalists listed below. Your starting chip stack is also listed. Good luck to you all, and we will see you at Mazzy’s, Norcross, on Tuesday at 6:30pm!

– Jeff and Jesse

Name Stack Name Stack
Andrew Taboada 100 Joel Montes 40
Anne Brundridge 70 Josh Ruiz 40
Bhargav Vempaty 50 Judy Richwine 70
Bill Plank 40 Karl Ellis 60
Bill Tait 75 Keith Alston 40
Bob Richwine 112.5 Marcus Brodzki 50
Bob Sugden 60 Michael Wall 100
Bret Levy 105 Monika Meacham 65
Candi Booth 40 Nancy Sherman 60
Carl Sherman 50 Nate Hillman 40
Charles Caine 50 Neeraj Jindal 40
Charles Huff 50 Rick Kohel 70
Chris Merhoff 60 Robert Meacham 40
Chuck McMillan 60 Robert Smith 50
Craig Cusick 80 Ron Brundridge 60
David Feldman 40 Sameer Naran 110
Deanna Smith 70 Sara Thomas 40
Dick Suever 40 Scott Massie 60
Don Argo 70 Shammi Mohammed 40
Greg Sloan 70 Shane Funk 95
Hari Rao 100 Shannendoah Gallagher 60
Heath Derrick 87.5 Susan Frost 40
Hunter Pace 70 Tauheed Williams 60
Jan Berg 95 Tim Liebrock 50
Jay Akins 70 Todd Simon 70
Jeff Schuelke 100 Tom Holland 50
Jeremy Grove 70 Victor Montes 50
Jesse Gearhart 70