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April 2010 – Posh Poker

Points Updated

All Points are updated, here are the winners for the last two weeks! We have 2 weeks left on this season, good luck!

Week of 4/12/10

Tues (Tony’s) Wed (Veranda) Thurs (Tony’s) Sun (Tony’s) Sun (Veranda)


Thomas Lucas
Emery Icard
Jerry McEntire

Tito Garcia
Amy Taube
Keith Alston

Armand Castro
Donelle Brown
Bob RIchwine

Dan Nungesser
Anand Raj
Doug Beam

Josh Swanson
Amanda Hershey
Tito Garcia

Week of 4/19/10

Tues (Tony’s) Wed (Veranda) Thurs (Tony’s) Sun (Tony’s) Sun (Veranda)


Jesse Littler
Jesse Gearhart
Brandon Pittman

Harrison Wagener
Jeff Schuelke
Armand Castro

Emery Icard
Brandon Pittman
Gail Carusone


Jeff Schuelke
Jill Arant
Brandon Pittman

– Jesse

Sunday Schedule Changes

Churchill once said “there is nothing wrong with change if it is in the right direction.”

Effective Immediately, we will suspend the Sunday early tournament at Tony’s Grill until further notice; with this, we would also like to change the start time of our Veranda tournament to 7pm every Sunday night!! This will enable us more time to catch cards, withstand bad beats, and still get home in time to get ready for Monday.

Keep in mind, for our Tuesday through Thursday tournaments, it will be business as usual.

If you are currently among the top 30 in points for Tony’s Sunday, you are automatically in the quarterly final tournament which will be held on Sat. May 22 at Veranda Greek Taverna at 5pm. Stay tuned for today’s password and other Posh Poker updates.

All the Best


Points Updated

Once again I’m behind on posting winners. Points are updated from the previous weeks, and I’ll be adding last weeks points tonight as well. Congratulations to all our winners over the past weeks.

Week of 3/29/10

Tues (Tony’s) Wed (Veranda) Thurs (Tony’s) Sun (Tony’s) Sun (Veranda)


Heath Derrick
Jasu Patel
Larry Reed

David Kapper
David Caldwell
Kristina Broussard

John Foy
Charlie Byrd
Carl Holzmann

Sean Corry
Keith Alston
Jerry McEntire

Keith Alston
Brandon Pittman
Scott Williams

Week of 4/5/10

Tues (Tony’s) Wed (Veranda) Thurs (Tony’s) Sun (Tony’s) Sun (Veranda)


Kristina Broussard
Lissa Perry
David Noon

Scott Williams
Charlene Goodwin
Dujuan Evans

RJ Suderberg
John Foy
Bret Levy

Jacob Robinson
Sean Corry
Will Sowers

Heath Derrick
Anand Raj
Josh Swanson

– Jesse